Please Help us Support the Huntington Society of Canada

The Dragonfly Spirit Wrap in two new colours to support Huntington Disease

May ... beautiful May ... is more than the arrival of spring weather, it's also Huntington Disease Awareness Month. And there's a ton of stuff happening all across Canada to help raise awareness and funds for research and support

Did you see Toronto's CN Tower or Vancouver's BC Place light it up in signature purple and blue? Amazing! That's just a couple events and happenings you can participate in and there's likely something happening near you

We're lighting it up in our own way by introducing new colours to our Dragonfly Spirit Wrap specifically created to allow partial proceeds to be donated to the Huntington Society of Canada

Dragonfly Spirit Wrap in Dove Grape

The Dragonfly motif by Haida artist, Clarence Mills, is a symbol of change, transformation and swiftness. Exactly what we strive for in supporting the people affected by HD. 

Dragonfly Spirit Warp in Lichen

Wonder why we're so passionate about Huntington Disease? This blog post from last year gives you the inside scoop. Spoiler alert: It's a cause close to our hearts! 

Thank you for helping us support people living with Huntington Disease. You'll find our gorgeous Dragonfly Spirit Wrap here.



Please share this post with friends and colleagues to help us help Canadians with Huntington Disease. Your support makes a world of difference!

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