Why We Celebrate for Pink Shirt Day

Why We Celebrate for Pink Shirt Day

Our message today is simple … Just be nice.

Bullying sucks. It affects more than one in five kids. It affects adults too and can be an unseen cause of social isolation and deepening depression.

In a country known for kindness, Canadians don’t want anyone to feel this way if we can help it.

So whether you're wearing a pink shirt today or not (and Chloë wears one most days, she loves pink) we  know it's the actions we take in the moment and not the colours we wear today that make the ultimate difference to a bully.

It's up to each of us to act.

And today we can all make a difference by pledging to be thoughtful, to be compassionate, and to be kind. It's up to each of us to make a difference ... to choose to be nice. It's really that simple.

In the words of the Dalai Lama, “Be kind whenever possible ... It is always possible.”

Doing so brings happiness to you and those around you. And who isn't happy to be the kind Canadians we're so well known as around the world?

Here's something else we can do today: Say something nice on social media and add #PinkItForward.

For each hashtag used, Coast Capital Savings is donating $1 to Pink Shirt Day in support of bullying prevention programs for youth. Let's all use the hashtag and help build that donation!

Now that's something easy we can all do together ... while we consciously choose to just. be. nice.



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